If we accept that genders are constructed and performed, they must also be created. How do we invent new genders? According to, there are three components to gender:
Body - our experience of our own body
Identity -the name we use to convey our gender
Social - how we present our gender in the world
Finding language for my body is hard. I can’t really invent it by myself. I need some kind of community. Why is ContraPoints the person who makes the most sense to me? I want new genders within masculinity that I actually identify with. Both from before ADT and now. There must be a list somewhere of considered, nuanced, masculine gender identities. I have only found lists of things that don’t quite fit.
And why does there need to be a social component to gender? I’m still just hiding out in this fat man’s body hoping the fellows don’t notice how little I admire their habit of sexualizing every woman we encounter. This passing felt safer when I was a simple heterofeminist. I felt stronger then and more confident. Now that my gender is slipping, I feel far more vulnerable. Do they know? Can they tell?